Sepän talo,
Rauma, Finland
22nd May - 30th June 2015
Mikrokosmos is a project where four artists from diverse arts practices worked experimentally, exploring the intersections between human life, art and science at Sepän talo, a large, disused house. RaumArs Artist in Residence Irene Rogan invited Tarja Kyllijoki, Katarina Mannio, Leena Vainio, to work with her in an unconventional way towards the creation of art that uses the model of the microcosm as an artistic proposition and is engaged with the practice of research and experimentation as a public act. Throughout the project the artists opened the doors for ‘public observation’ of the works-in-progress.

Katariina Mannio
Drawing Intervention
As a printmaker Katariina Mannio uses woodblocks and very precise drawing techniques. In complete contrast to this, during Mikrokosmos she created an experimental drawing on a large scale to bring nature into her space. The increasing dimensions of the drawings reflected a sense of the room being taken over by the nature. Inspiration for her work was taken from the nearby Appletree where she spends time with her family.
As the work grew and covered the walls and ceiling, the imagery gradually transforms from delicate blossoms to stark silhouettes of jagged branches reflecting the reality of changing seasons and the appearance of nature.

Leena Vanio
Installation and Performance
The house Sepän talo made me think of my childhood memories in Rauma and that is why I worked using cosy matrials, such as white bed sheets and dress maker`s strings and nails. I also used linen fiber which is fragile and yet tough, just like this house.
During the process I found myself thinking of fragility, externality and intuition which are some of the themes of my installation 'Comfort' in two rooms and performance 'Milky White' which took place in the garden.
This project was exciting, intensive and constantly changing.

Tarja Kyllijoki

Eco Jewellery into artworks
Mikrokosmos provided an oppotunity to make experimental work that builds on ideas from 'Eco Jewellery' and for future developments.
Detail from Otan ja annan takaisin - Taking and Giving
Irene Rogan

MikroCosmos Artists