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florida 1

Itinerant Excitations

Panacea, Florida, US

February  2016

dv wall velvet pour

Morphogenesis: art, science and environment, Rauma, Finland  March  - June 2015


Luotaamaton alue I & II

(the Unsurveyed Area)

Nurmes Island, Finland, July 2015

web brick

The Island:  city centre urban edgeland  Nottingham  UK

April  - November 2014

Over the past five years I have been corresponding with scientists theoretical biologist Richard Gordon and Embryogeneticist Natalie Gordon located in Canada concerning diatoms.  Finally, I was invited to meet scientists at the Gulf Specimen Marine Laboratory in Panacea, North East Florida.


Diatoms have been part of my research since 2000 when developing large scale sculpture, shelter and viewing platform based on diatoms for a King's Lynne regeneration scheme with SheilsFlynn Ltd.

This work is located on a thirty two acre industrial wasteland in the city centre.


Seven Booths - Installation

The Brickworks  - soon

Petrified forest- soon

The Game - soon

RaumArs international residency programme, Rauma, Finland.  The following city wide collaborations took place:


Morphogenesis - taide, tiede, ympäristö


Irene Rogan Mikrokosmos



Mikrokosmos - collaboration with Katariina Mannio, Leena Vanio, Jari Sorjenon and Tarjia Kyllijoki.


Piilevä (Hidden) - limited edition  art book with Rauma Printmakers


Maanpää - collaboration with local residents  and photographerJari  Sorjenon: soon


Lace Up - with Tarmo Thorström lace artist and community.  

The unsurveyed area is a cultural event taking place in the archipelago of Rauma area, where artists take an active part in organizing cultural events.  soon

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